Illegal parking forces ambulance on emergency service to reverse 1km

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Illegal parking forces ambulance on emergency service to reverse 1km 1

An ambulance from the Portuguese Red Cross was forced to perform a long reverse maneuver, for more than a kilometer. The incident occurred on Tuesday, in São Roque, shortly after noon, while heading to an emergency situation.

According to JM, the emergency vehicle was trying to reach Estrada Comandante Camacho de Freitas, in the São Roque area, but was blocked by a Horários do Funchal bus that was unable to continue its journey on Caminho Novo da Ribeira de Santana, due to illegal parking.

With no other alternative and with the passenger car immobilized for about 50 minutes, the ambulance driver had to retreat to Ladeira e Caminho de Santana, where he was finally able to resume the journey to his destination.

The incident could have compromised assistance to the victim, but, according to information gathered by JM, everything ended up working out well. The man, who needed treatment for heart problems, was taken to hospital, where he received treatment in the emergency room.

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