Lobo Marinho will make ‘extra’ trips this Tuesday

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Lobo Marinho will make 'extra' trips this Tuesday 1

The ship Lobo Marinho will make extraordinary trips this Tuesday, March 11th. Departure from Funchal to Porto Santo takes place at 8 am. The trip in the opposite direction, leaving the golden island, will be at 6 pm.

It is worth remembering that, due to bad weather, inter-island connecting trips have suffered several cancellations over the last few days, so Porto Santo Line is offering an alternative for passengers.

For more information, please contact (+351) 291 210 300, WhatsApp (+351) 962 025 500 or infopsl@gruposousa.pt, from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 7pm and weekends, from 9am to 1pm and from 2:30pm to 6pm (closed on public holidays).

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