Categories: madeira-island-news

Sea in the ‘red’ on the North coast and in Porto Santo wind throughout the archipelago

This post was originally published on this site

The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) placed the north coast of Madeira and the island of Porto Santo under a red warning (the most serious on a scale of four) due to strong sea agitation between 6 am and 3 pm this Monday.

The forecast points to waves of up to 16 meters in maximum height, decreasing later at midnight on Tuesday to orange. Regarding the wind situation, the IPMA has placed the entire archipelago under an orange warning.

In the case of the island of Porto Santo, it is under an orange warning until 6:00 am, being worsened to red until 3:00 pm due to the agitation with waves in the same order of magnitude as the north coast of Madeira. As for the temperature, in Madeira, a maximum of 21ºC and a minimum of 15ºC, and, in Porto Santo, a maximum of 19ºC and a minimum of 15ºC.


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