Categories: madeira-island-news

Weather Warnings in Place

This post was originally published on this site

Depression Laurence is on its way. Although the weather has already changed, it will be felt all over the island from tomorrow, with the worst of the weather affecting the region on Monday.

“Passing to the north of the archipelago of Madeira at dawn on the 17th,” weather conditions will worsen, this includes heavy rain,” and a yellow alert has been issued.

Wind speeds are expected to increase, with gusts reaching up to 110 km/h in the mountainous regions.

Waves heights are also expected to increase during the 17th and 18th, with waves reaching between 5 and 7 metres on the south and up to 14 metres on the north coast.

The IPMA recommends that the population remains aware of all weather alerts.

Samantha Gannon

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Samantha Gannon

Published by
Samantha Gannon

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