Categories: madeira-island-news

Invasive Species Campaign a Success

This post was originally published on this site

The Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation (IFCN), has reported that it has been developing an intense monitoring and control of invasive species in the Region, an initiative that has had positive results in Paul do Mar.

During the prospecting work, IFCN technicians identified a small nucleus of the invasive species Pennisetum setaceum, also known as Fountain Grass, an exotic plant known for its rapid spread and negative impact on local biodiversity. This plant is mainly associated with private gardens, which motivated the IFCN to request the collaboration of the local Parish Council to raise awareness among the population and discourage its cultivation.

After several months of closely monitoring the situation and through the effective intervention and commitment of the local Parish Council, the plant has been eliminated from private gardens and replaced by other non-invasive ornamental species, thus preventing its spread to other areas.

This case demonstrates the importance of collaboration between entities and the local community in the preservation of ecosystems and reinforces the need for continuous monitoring to ensure that invasive species do not expand.

The President of the IFCN, the Region remains committed to the defence of the region’s natural heritage, calling on the population to “avoid the use of invasive species in gardens and green spaces, thus contributing to a more balanced and sustainable environment.”

Samantha Gannon

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Samantha Gannon

Published by
Samantha Gannon

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