Categories: madeira-island-news

Bad Parking Affects Emergency Services

This post was originally published on this site

An ambulance from the Portuguese Red Cross was forced to reverse for over a kilometre in São Roque this afternoon due to bad parking and lack of access.

According to local media outlet, JM, the rescue vehicle was trying to reach Estrada Comandante Camacho de Freitas, in the São Roque area, but was blocked as a Horários do Funchal bus was stuck due to irresponsible parking.

With no alternative route and the offending car remaining stationary for 50 minutes, the ambulance driver had to reverse down the road and take a longer alternative route.

The incident could have compromised the victim’s rescue.  However, the man who needed assistance due to heart problems was treated successfully in hospital.

Samantha Gannon

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Samantha Gannon

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Samantha Gannon

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